Graham expects his Saturday morning park trip, usually with Dustin, no matter the weather. We get biscuits and then head to the park to play. Dustin has been sweet enough to take Graham and let me rest most Saturday mornings.
Graham was starting to show a lot of interest in the potty, so I thought we would try potty training. The last time he was at the doctor she said 2.5 years old is typically an ideal time to try. Graham did really well the first day. He and I stayed around the house. He played without a diaper on for most of the day and only had 1 accident. He was excited to get his animal cookie when he went tee-tee in the potty and willingly tried to go potty at regular intervals. I thought that this potty training stuff was pretty easy! Then the second day rolled around and we hit a wall. He didn't want to try to tee-tee on the potty, didn't care about getting a cookie, etc. The third day led to temper tantrums and holding his tee-tee to avoid using the big potty. So, we put the diapers back on and will try again after Baby Bryson is born!
We took a day trip to Charlotte to visit Len and Nicole, Len was one of Dustin's college roommates, who recently had a baby. They also have a little boy that is 1.5 years old. We enjoyed the visit and got a little preview of what having two kids is going to be like!
As many of you know, Maggie is scared of thunder storms. We are not sure why or where this fear has come from at the age of 9. The other day Graham was napping and a thunder storm came up. All of a sudden Graham started yelling for me to come upstairs. When I got to his room, he jumped into my arms and said, 'need to go check and make sure Big Sissy ok!' Although I would have liked him to finish the last hour of his nap, I couldn't help but take him downstairs to see Maggie. He is such a sweet little man.
I will be 32 weeks on Monday. It is both hard to believe I'm so close to my due date and hard to believe I'm only 32 weeks along! I'm in full nesting mode. We found a crib on Craigslist and got it put together yesterday. We have ordered 2 more pieces of furniture that should arrive by early next week. We have decided to do the 'Hungary Caterpillar' theme for the nursery. I have not ordered anything yet, but that will be done soon! I have pulled out all of Graham's baby clothes and plan to wash them once the dresser gets here to put them away. I started having some contractions a few weeks ago. Luckily, they have slowed down. I also started having some swelling in my hands and feet. Dr Lebel is still giving us the go ahead to go to the beach for a long weekend next week. At my appointment last week, Baby Bryson's heartbeat was in the 150's and he weighed about 3 pounds 13 ounces. Graham talks a lot about Baby Bryson, but we will see what his response is when this baby comes to live in HIS house!
These last two pictures are two of my favorites. Dustin always sings 'one last song' to Graham after I leave his room at night time. On this night, Graham got out of the bed and was laying in Dustin's lap. I tried to sneak back up and get a picture. As you can see, I was not very sneaky but I'm glad I got the pictures!
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