Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Where Did November Go?

Once again I find myself starting a post with apologies about the time lapse since the last post. This time it is not my fault, well at least not entirely! The computer was acting up and not allowing me to post...the last time a tried two weeks ago! Anyway, here we are now. We are starting to slowly get back into a normal routine around our house. Both boys are in bed by about 8:30pm and sleep until 7:00-7:30am. It is wonderful! Graham is still going to school on Monday mornings and my Mom is starting to keep both boys on Wednesdays. Bryson is smiling and 'talking' all the time. He loves to watch Graham. As most of you know, I was able to drop my hours at work to 'as needed.' Which means they call if they need me but I'm not required to work a certain amount of hours. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to stay at home with the boys.

I was hoping to dress both boys back in their costumes and get some good pictures, but one of my children didn't think that was a good idea. Here are some pictures of the child that can't talk or move to get away from the camera!

Here are some pictures to show you what we've been up to the month of November.

We went to my parent's house for Thanksgiving brunch and then traveled to Fripp Island for a long weekend with Dustin's side of the family. It was Bryson's and Maggie's first trip.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Halloween was fun in our house this year. Graham dressed up as a zebra and Bryson dressed as a lion. We went to our neighborhood block party and then went trick or treating on the way home. This was the first year Graham actually went trick or treating and he loved it!

Bryson is growing and changing by the day. He has started smiling and 'talking.' He is the happiest right after he eats (but who isn't?!?!). He also enjoys watching Graham. Graham loves to show Bryson his trucks and trains. The other day I walked into the kitchen to find Graham dragging Bryson's seat (with Bryson in it) across the floor. Graham simply explained to me that Bryson wanted to see his truck line up in the den...and he was using his big muscles to move the seat! I'm sure this is the first of many near accidents we will have!

The weather was wonderful here last week. Here are some pictures from our trip to the park and the zoo.

Here are a few other pictures...