Monday, May 25, 2009

Graham's Christening

We had Graham's christening this past Sunday. It was the perfect day. Graham was happy during the church service, he was able to wear all the family heirlooms, and we were surrounded by our family and friends.
We fed Graham a bottle about 30 minutes before the church service so he would be in a good mood. It worked, he was a perfect gentleman and did not spit up on the minister. All of our goals were accomplished! Graham wore a gown made by Dustin's aunt. His cousins also wore this gown during their christening. The ring he wore was worn by my great-grandfather, grandfather, father, sister, and myself during our christenings. The christening pin and booties he wore were gifts from Aunt Heather and Uncle Brian. We continued the celebration after church with a lunch. Yummy food and good company...who can ask for more? We were all worn out by the end of the day, but would not have changed a thing!
Our house is still for sale. We have had a couple of showings, but no real interest. I started my new role as OB Educator and absolutely love it! So far it is much less stress and I was out on time all three days. What's not to love!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Another First

Graham rolled over yesterday! We were playing on the floor when Graham reached out for his toy. The next thing we knew he rolled over from his stomach to his back. He looked as surprised as we did! Graham is continuing to grab things and put them in his mouth. He is also still drooling all the time (as seen in many of the pictures). Graham has figured out that he can squeal and scream. Sometimes he squeals just to hear himself and sometimes he screams because he wants something. I think he is already spoiled! Whatever the reason, he is sweet and happy most of the time. My mom continues to keep Graham on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays while we are at work. Dustin's mom visits with him several afternoons a week and sometimes on the weekend to give us a date night. We are so appreciative of all their help.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Four Month Check-Up

Graham had his 4 month well child check up this morning. He did great! He weighs 18 pounds 2 ounces (92 percentile) and is 26 1/2 inches long (89 percentile). Still eating well! He is right on track developmentally. He is able to babble and coo, follow objects, smile, laugh, grasp objects, and hold his head with good control. Graham is not rolling over yet, but that is ok. He has until his 6 month check up to accomplish this! He also had to get all of his immunizations today. He had two injections and 1 oral medication. Just like at his 2 month check up, he did great and I was a mess! We are staying on top of the Tylenol just in case.

Graham went to his physical therapy evaluation last Friday. The therapist measured his head, looked at his neck control, and assessed his muscles. She said that he has great neck control and muscles. He looks to the left and right with equal ease now. His head is still flat on the left side, but we can already tell an improvement since we started working with him. We go back to see the therapist in one month so she can re-measure his head and check the flatness. Hopefully, he will continue to improve.

This was my first Mother's Day as a mother. It was wonderful! We had my parents, Dustin's mom, and Heather and Brian over to our house for lunch. I could not have asked for a more perfect day...good food, good company, and a precious baby. Graham gave me a gift certificate for a day at the spa. All I have to do is choose my day and I get a massage, facial, manicure, and pedicure! Thank you to my sweet husband and baby.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Week Full of Changes

This week has been a big week for all the Greens! Graham learned many new tricks, it was my last week working full time, and we put our house back on the market. You know we are always up to something.
Graham learned to grab things and put them in his mouth, blow raspberries, and turn himself around in the crib. When I go into his room in the mornings his feet are where his head was when I put him to sleep. He is not rolling over yet, but I feel sure he will be before long!
I love the age he is at right now. He belly laughs when you play peek-a-boo or put him on you leg to "ride the horse." He is starting to play with his toys but he cannot crawl or walk yet. Although, we are going to be in trouble when he starts to crawl because his feet and legs are always on the move!
This will be my first week of working Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I have trained my replacement, but will still be with Dr Lebel for 2 more weeks. At that point, I will go to the OB side of the office and start my training. We are all excited about my new schedule!
Yes, we have put the house back up for sale. We need you all to spread the word better than last time! We have found a house that we like, but are not going to make an offer on it until we see if there is any interest in our house. Hopefully, we will have more success during this time of the year.
Dustin's new job is still going great. He is learning a lot and very happy with his decision to join Regent Bank.