Monday, June 20, 2011

Dentist Visit, Father's Day and 25 Weeks

Graham went to see the dentist for the first time last week. He did great! He has 20 teeth and no decay or cavities. Dustin and I started talking and getting Graham excited about going to the dentist on Monday. I told Graham if he was a good boy he could get a treat. I suggested a book, wheel borrow OR ice cream. During dinner on Thursday night we reminded Graham that he got to go see the dentist on Friday. Graham got a huge smile on his face and said, 'Graham get a book, shovel, wheel borrow AND ice cream.' Dustin and I just laughed. Not only did Graham remember all the things I suggested 4 days before, he also included a shovel and had himself getting all of them! The pictures below show Graham walking into the dentist office (holding his horse), waiting to get x-rays taken and playing with his new shovel and wheel borrow.

For Father's Day, I have taken a picture of Graham dressed in Dustin's work shirt and tie for the past 3 years. Graham also painted a rock and gave Dustin a gift certificate for a massage.

Baby Bryson is still doing well. I felt him have hiccups for the first time this week! I love feeling my sweet little guy moving and flipping around. We were able to get some great ultrasound pictures on Thursday. There was an ultrasound student at the office and she asked if she could practice on Bryson. Of course I said yes! I'm glad that we did because Bryson was head up when she started and we saw his precious profile.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Time

The Greens have spent a lot of time outside over the past two weeks. We have had a landscaping crew at our house, been to the park and played in the baby pool. Our most exciting news is that Graham moved from his crib to a big boy bed.

Dustin has been wanting to have the yard done for a while now and we finally got around to it! The crew brought a bobcat and dump truck with them, which Graham loved! He would get excited everytime we pulled up to the house and he saw the equipment. The yard turned out great and Graham enjoyed the full week of all the trucks. The project was finished this past Tuesday. When we pulled into the driveway on Wednesday Graham said, 'Look at my pretty grass!' He also said it needed to rain to keep his grass green. Maybe we have been talking too much about the yard!

Although it has been incredibly hot these past few weeks, we have still spent as much time outside as possible. Early in the morning is about the only time it is bearable.

We decided to convert Graham's crib to a toddler bed last weekend. Graham was a big help, as you can see from the pictures! He has done a good job so far. He will get out of the bed and put toys in the bed, but he stays in his room. He calls if he needs something and when he's ready to get up. The picture with all of the books and stuffed animals in the crib is what we found after his first nap with his new freedom!

Baby Bryson is still doing well. We have our 24 week appointment this Thursday. He is moving around all the time. The ultrasound tech estimated his weight at 1.5 pounds this past week.