Monday, February 22, 2010

More Friends

This week we had Rivers over to play. Rivers is 7 months old and enjoyed watching Graham play. Graham did very well with Rivers until Aunt Heather came to visit. He did not like her holding Rivers. Graham was much happier when Rivers went down for a nap and he had Heather's undivided attention!
The weather was beautiful this past weekend. We were able to play outside, go for walks, and wash the car. The whole family enjoyed this little bit of spring.

Monday, February 15, 2010


These past few weeks have been filled with fun visits from friends. Some of our visitors live in town and some have been from out of town.
Brooke is one of Graham's girlfriends. She came and played with us one day when her day care was closed. They played very well together. The only time we had a problem is when I held one. If I was holding Graham, Brooke would cry. If I was holding Brooke, Graham would cry. Unfortunately, they were too big for me to hold at the same time!

All the Clamps (Luke, Alecia, Ian, Len, and Nicole) and David came to visit this weekend also. We thought the snow was going to postpone our visitors, but they all made it to Greenville. Ian, almost 2 years old, and Graham had a great time together. Dustin, Len, Luke, and David had fun together too!

Graham continues to be constantly on the go. He is so much fun to be around, but we are all tired at the end of the day! He still enjoys hiding behind chairs and playing with all of his toys. He in still not really talking but he understands what you tell him. He runs to the door to let Maggie out and to greet Dada in the afternoon. He will go to his highchair if you ask him if he wants breakfast/lunch/dinner/ or a snack. He splashes and plays with all of his toys in the tub at night. He also helps around the house. His chores include throwing his diapers in the trash can, unloading the dishwasher, putting the coffee filter in the coffee pot,and moving the clothes into the dryer.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Snow Day

We were hoping Graham would enjoy the snow more this year, but he did not. Maybe next year he will like it! He cried while we were outside. Sounds like he takes after his Mama and doesn't like to be cold! Here are pictures from our short stay outside in the snow.