Monday, March 26, 2012

Bryson has LOVED all the food he has tried. He has tried rice cereal, oatmeal, green peas, green beans, carrots and squash. I cannot imagine how excited he will be when he gets to eat sweet potatoes and pears!

Bryson turned 6 months old this month. He had his check-up last week and is right on track. He babbles and coos, follows objects (especially food), transfers objects, smiles, laughs, grasps objects (much to Graham's dismay) and rolls both ways (as of this past weekend!). His weight was 18 lbs 12 oz (72%) and his length was 28.25 in (97%). I cannot believe how quickly the past 6 months have gone, and I know the next 6 months will go by just as quickly.

Graham is obsessed with construction. He gets mad if we don't pass a 'struction' site everytime we get in the car or go for a walk. I can tell you where all the work sites in Greenville are! He is already teaching Bryson about construction and yard tools.

Here are some pictures of the artwork Graham has done at school.

Here are some pictures of both boys together and one of Dustin and me dressed up for the Chocolate Soiree.

And last, but not least, here is a picture of Maggie Mae.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Past 2 Months

As I signed onto the blog, I noticed it has been 2 months since I last posted! Where should I begin? The boys are fun, wild and leave me too tired to update the blog!
Bryson is 6 months old and a joy to be around. He has 2 teeth and has learned to move his mouth and do rasberries. He started eating baby food about 3 weeks ago. The boy LOVES to eat! It is hard to feed him because he pulls the spoon to his mouth with an amazing amount of force. So far he has tried rice cereal, oatmeal, green peas and green beans. All have been hits. He also got his first hair cut. The toupe was just simply out of control. Bryson was Christened last Sunday. We enjoyed brunch back at our house with family. Bryson adores Graham and wathces his every move.

Graham has adjusted to having Bryson around and is a great big brother. Graham's big news is that he is potty trained! It took a lot of toys and bribery, but he got the hang of it very quickly. He still goes to 'school' one day a week at our church. He will start 2 days a week in the Fall. Graham has a lot of personality, which translates to he is wild! We try to spend as much time outside as we can. This ensures good rest for all. Graham has moved to a full size big boy bed. His bedding is construction. We are all 'struction' all the time around here. Graham also enjoyed his first campout (in our playroom) with Dustin. He made it in the floor until about 9:15 and then wanted to move to his bed. That's my boy!!!

Here are some pictures with both boys.