Thursday, March 12, 2009

Banks Comes to Town

Graham had his first sleepover at our house last Friday when Kate and Banks came to visit. Banks is 10 weeks older than Graham and it was fun to see how much we have to look forward to as Graham continues to grow. When Graham was born Kate and Banks came to the hospital to visit. Banks was 10 weeks old at that visit, which is how old Graham is now. It is strange to look back at how big Banks seemed at that age. We bathes both boys and life was good until I had to wash Graham's hair. He started to cry and then Banks did too! I guess this is what it feels like to have twins. It was so nice to have girl time and catch up after the babies went to bed. It is also important for Graham and Banks to spend time together because we have already arranged for them to be roommates at Clemson (with baby Koch as well)!


laurie said...

I love these pics!! That bath was the best - that was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time :)

Lindsey said...

Too cute! I'm sure it was great to have the little ones together and be with a good friend.