Monday, April 12, 2010

15 Month Well Child Visit

We took Graham for his 15 month well child check last Friday. He is right on track! He weighs 27 lbs 4 oz(84%) and is 33 3/4 in(98%)long. He has grown over 2 inches since his 12 month visit! Developmentally he is successfully understanding simple commands, recognizing pictures, feeding himself, throwing objects (some that he is supposed to and many that he is not supposed to!), stacking toys, and giving/taking toys. He is still not talking much, but the doctor says there is nothing to worry about since he can follow commands. The doctor also gave us the warning that he would really start to develop his personality over the next 3 months and become much more independent. To which I replied that I am not sure we can handle much more personality!

Dustin and Graham did yard work all weekend. The yard looks wonderful!

For some reason Graham has been waking up with wild hair in the mornings. Today he woke up with an especially impressive mohawk!

Graham is in love with tractors and trucks. Mondays are a big day at our house because we get to see the trash truck, the recycling truck, AND the yard trash truck. All of the workers now wave and honk at us! The other day we saw a skid steer tractor on our walk. Yes, we now know all of the official names because we read the truck book so often. We thought Graham was going to jump out of his stroller! He continued to look back at it even when we turned onto another street.

Last week we were able to enjoy an overnight visit from Kate and Banks. They were driving from Nashville to Rock Hill and stopped by to play. Kate, Laurie, and I were all roommates our senior year at Clemson (along with Suzanne, but she doesn't drop in to often from NY). Banks is 2.5 months older than Graham and Rivers is 6.5 months younger. This is a picture taken with my cell phone because I forgot to take my camera!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Haven't gotten on the blog in awhile, he is such a little boy now. They go from baby to toddler so fast. I love the crazy hair. Adorable!!!