Monday, July 13, 2009

Friends, Family, and Fun

We have had another busy week. Graham went for his six month check-up at the doctor, we had out of town friends here for the weekend, and Graham started eating baby food. Graham got a great report from his pediatrician. He weighs 21 pounds 3 ounces (94%) and is 28 1/2 inches long (96%). Developmentally Graham is right on track: he has good head control, babbles and coos, follows objects, transfers objects, smiles, laughs, grasps objects, sits with support, and rolls both ways. We had a house full of friends this weekend. Kate, Brent, and Banks got here from Nashville late Friday night. Suzanne, Matt, and Casey arrived from New York early Saturday afternoon. Our girl weekends have changed greatly. We have gone from just Laurie, Kate, Suzanne, and me to now including husbands and kids! We were hoping Rivers would be here to meet everyone, but much to Laurie's dismay he is still in her tummy! We introduced baby food to Graham this week. We tried green beans first, but they were not very well received. I have attached the video to show Graham's response. He made a horrible face with each bite and actually gagged at one point! We are now trying carrots. They are going better...Graham is still not opening his mouth in excitement but he is not gagging either. Enjoy the pictures and video!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

He is just tooo cute Hope! Had a girls weekend in Nashville this past weekend with Carla, Steph, and their 207 roomies. It was so much fun. Glad you had fun with your good friends also. Give Graham big kisses from me and Ashlyn.