Graham had his 4 month well child check up this morning. He did great! He weighs 18 pounds 2 ounces (92 percentile) and is 26 1/2 inches long (89 percentile). Still eating well! He is right on track developmentally. He is able to babble and coo, follow objects, smile, laugh, grasp objects, and hold his head with good control. Graham is not rolling over yet, but that is ok. He has until his 6 month check up to accomplish this! He also had to get all of his immunizations today. He had two injections and 1 oral medication. Just like at his 2 month check up, he did great and I was a mess! We are staying on top of the Tylenol just in case.
Graham went to his physical therapy evaluation last Friday. The therapist measured his head, looked at his neck control, and assessed his muscles. She said that he has great neck control and muscles. He looks to the left and right with equal ease now. His head is still flat on the left side, but we can already tell an improvement since we started working with him. We go back to see the therapist in one month so she can re-measure his head and check the flatness. Hopefully, he will continue to improve.
This was my first Mother's Day as a mother. It was wonderful! We had my parents, Dustin's mom, and Heather and Brian over to our house for lunch. I could not have asked for a more perfect day...good food, good company, and a precious baby. Graham gave me a gift certificate for a day at the spa. All I have to do is choose my day and I get a massage, facial, manicure, and pedicure! Thank you to my sweet husband and baby.
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