Monday, July 26, 2010

Little Man

It's official, Graham has changed from a baby to a little boy. He looks and acts like a toddler now. Although I love this age, I miss my little baby. He will turn 19 months this week. At his last well child visit he weighed 31 lbs (95%) and was 35.5 in long (99%). He answers your questions with a 'yes' or 'no' and can fully understand what you are telling him. This doesn't mean that he always listens and obeys (I just told you he acts like a toddler), but he does understand!

This past week my aunt from Florida was in town. Since she was staying with my parents she got to babysit for 3 days last week! Graham had a ball with Kim (ki-ki). She played outside in the 100 degree weather, pulled him in the wagon, and crawled around on the floor with him. Basically, she was his personal play toy! She will be very missed, by Graham and Gamma, now that she has returned home.

As if Ki-ki did not spoil Graham enough last week, he also spent Saturday night with Mimi. We had a wedding to go to in Garden City. This was the first time Dustin and I have been away at the same time. He did great! He enjoyed naps complete with back rubs and constant attention. I hoping to spend next Saturday with her!

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