Wednesday, September 24, 2008

25 Weeks

Another week down! Graham now weighs around 1.5 pounds and is 13.5 inches from head to heel. He is also now considered viable, meaning if he was to be born now he would have a good chance of surviving. But he needs to stay put! He is still kicking and moving all the time. He has either found new space in my stomach or has learned how to stretch out because I can feel him in all areas of my stomach.
Maggie has figured out that something is changing around the house. When she is let in the house she goes up to the nursery and sits. She is very interested in the crib. We will see how she does when Graham is in there! She also likes to be near me, much to Dustin's dismay.
Everyone around us has been sick or not feeling 100% this week. Dustin has had sinus problems, Martha hurt her foot, and Dad has been in the hospital battling kidney stones. Who would have ever thought that I would be the healthy one!?!
As you can see from the pictures, I decided it was time to keep the shirt down for the belly pictures. I will verbally keep everyone updated on how flat my bellybutton is!

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Nursery

The nursery is coming together. Dustin and Martha got it painted last night and the furniture was delivered today! The walls are tan and the ceiling is a light blue. I love it! Getting to nursery ready makes this pregnancy feel very real.
We also had a doctor's appointment yesterday. Graham is perfect. His heartbeat is in the 140's and he is measuring at exactly 24 weeks. Yeah! My blood pressure and weight are also still doing well. The only complaint that Dustin has is that I now sleep with two pillows and his half of the bed is growing smaller.
The Greens are heading to Clemson for the football game tomorrow and looking foward to the cooler weather.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

24 Weeks

Week 24 is here and it has been another good week. Graham had hiccups for the first time last night! Dustin was able to feel them as well! I am told these hiccups are not quite as cute when he has them at 4am when I am 38 weeks along! I will update with pictures tomorrow after our doctor's appointment.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

23 Weeks

Graham turned 23 weeks today and I turned 29 years old! I have had a wonderful day and Graham has been kicking and moving like crazy (most likely from all the cake I have had)! Dustin planned a dinner at Smoke on the Water and had a cookie cake waiting for me when I go home from work. We have dinner scheduled with the families tomorrow night.

Graham has become much more active and we could actually see my stomach moving at church on Sunday. According to the book, Graham weighs 1 pound and is 11.5 inches from head to heel. He also has eyes that open and close, ears that hear, and a thumb well worth sucking. He is developing so nicely! Our next OB visit is scheduled for 9/19. We will be able to hear the heart beat and they will measure my stomach to make sure he is growing appropriately. As long as everything continues as expected, we will not have another ultrasound until 32 weeks. But, that one will be a 3D/4D so get ready for some cool pictures!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Graham got to experience his first Clemson win and his first game in Death Valley. Lucky for him he got to have some climate control! We all had a great time and enjoyed the win. The best part of the day was the new misting fan that Uncle Barker bought for the tailgate. I am also appreciative of the new Clemson maternity clothes Aunt Heather gave me as an early birthday present. Graham and I are outfitted and ready for a cool(er) football season!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

22 Weeks!

Tomorrow, 9/3, marks week 22 in the pregnancy. All the Greens are still doing well. Graham is kicking and moving all day long now. Dustin was even able to feel him kick this past Saturday! We sold the bedroom suit from one of the guest bedrooms to make room for the nursery. The "nursery" is now empty and ready to be painted. We have not tackled that task yet, maybe I will be able to report the completion of this project in the week 23 blog! Dustin got his Play Station 3 over the weekend. This excitement helped to soften the blow of Clemson's horrific loss on Saturday night. I have included a picture of Dustin in the green chair playing his new game. I have also included belly pictures and a picture of Maggie awaiting the kickoff to the Clemson game.